Monfrague - Two hermitages to visit in the national park in Extremadura


Hermitage Virgen del Socorro in Villarreal de San Carlos in Monfrague in Extremadura

In you visit to the national park of Monfrague, in Estremadura, you will have the chance to see two small hermitages which become the place of congregation during the festivities of the area.

In the small and historic village of Villarreal of San Carlos, place that houses the Visitor Center of Monfrague National ParkFirst recommended visit on your trip, you will find the hermitage of the Virgen del Socorro.

This small hermitage that is located at the entrance of this village, dates back to the 18th century, and every September 24, date of Patron celebrations of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, it becomes the place of encounter and pilgrimage in Villarreal de San Carlos.

Castle and hermitage of Monfrague in the national park in Extremadura

However, the main hermitage of Monfrague National Park it is located next to Monfrague Castle.

It's about the Hermitage of the Virgin of Monfrague, which every Easter Monday becomes the place where the inhabitants of the surrounding villages meet, such as Torrejón el Rubio, on the occasion of the Pilgrimage of the Virgin of Monfrague.

Image of the Virgin of Monfrague next to the Castle of the national park in Extremadura

The Hermitage of the Virgin of Monfrague houses the image of the Virgin of Our Lady of Monfrague, brought in the thirteenth century from Jerusalem by crossed knights. It is a Byzantine style carving of polychrome wood.

To see this hermitage you must climb to Monfrague Castle, one of the most recommended visits in your trip to Monfrague, which will allow you to have some excellent panoramic views of the national park, as well as sighting birds of prey.
