Attend musical shows and Broadway theaters in New York


Times Square, Broadway center in New York - United States

TheBroadway Avenue It is one of the most famous ofNY thanks tomusical and theater shows They have become a must for visitors to New York.

InGUIDES TRAVEL TO THE UNITED STATES you find all the useful information if you are interested in attending anyBroadway musical or theatrical show.

Likewise, information onTimes Square, which is the nerve center ofBoadway theater district, and one of the essential visits on your tourist trip to New York

And if you are interested in attending any of the shows, and you wantget tickets to Broadway theaters with significant discounts, you also have the information about the office ofTKTS, where you can purchase these tickets hours before the performances.

To complete the information, here is a comparison of sites to buy tickets online for Broadway shows and theaters.


Video: TOEFL listening Lecture. William Wheatley and Broadway theaters (April 2024).